Reminder to Self: Stay off the Fence!

Satan doesn’t care if half our heart hates what is bad as long as half of our hearts loves what is bad…half is enough for him. We should Imitate Jesus example and obey Jehovah completely. We are running a race for life.

Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it.  Now everyone competing in a contest exercises self-control in all things. Of course, they do it to receive a crown that can perish, but we, one that does not perish.  Therefore, the way I am running is not aimlessly; the way I am aiming my blows is so as not to be striking the air; but I pummel my body and lead it as a slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself should not become disapproved somehow.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

We may get distracted, but if we pay attention to ourselves and readjust we can still win the race. It is not the speed at which we run but how we run that will help us win the race. How do we “pay attention to ourselves”? Read and meditate on what we learn in the Bible, then put what you have learned into action. We can also pray to God for help using the same words written by King David in ancient times:

Examine me, O Jehovah, and put me to the test; Refine my innermost thoughts and my heart.

Psalm 26:2

By doing this, we are exercising our faith. I often think about this and realize I have a long way to go but I continue to ask for God to “give me more faith”. Even Jesus’ apostles, who were spiritually strong men, asked for more faith. So, if they asked for this, how much more do I need to ask? Not only ask for faith, but also endurance, it is called exercising faith because it takes work.

Now the apostles said to the Lord: “Give us more faith.”

Luke 17:5

These words written to King Solomon are applicable to all of us today.

“And you, Solʹo·mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul, for Jehovah searches through all hearts, and he discerns every inclination of the thoughts. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him, he will reject you forever.

1 Chronicles 28:9

What helps us get off the fence? Learning God’s standards and sticking to them, even if it is hard. How do we learn his standards and practice them?

“You must impress these words of mine on your heart and your soul and bind them as a reminder on your hand, and they should be like a headband on your forehead.

Deuteronomy 11:18

These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart, and you must inculcate them in your sons and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as a reminder on your hand, and they must be like a headband on your forehead.  Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9

I acknowledge that it is not easy, but we have to take a side and hold firm to our integrity by doing things that are good in Jehovah’s eyes, even when it is hard. We will not always get it right because we are imperfect, but when we do get it right we will make his heart glad. How do I know he is happy when we choose right? Jehovah inspired the following words to be written so we know we can make him happy by doing good.

Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him who taunts me.

Proverbs 27:11

In closing, I have found that it is worth continuing to put up the hard fight to be pleasing to Jehovah. If we work hard stay off the fence we can remain on the narrow path to life; we may stumble along the way, but we have Jesus, Jehovah’s Holy Spirit and true friends to help us get back up and continue running the race for life.

whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it.

Matthew 7:14


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