Oh, Jehovah, PLEASE do hurry to help me!
Please be the lamp for my feet to guide me,
Each step I take, please help me be wise,
Oh Jehovah, please hear my prayer!
I need your help, I need your wise guidance.
Help me weather the storm, the waves crash all around me,
Please put your arms around me and protect me like a loving father protects his child.
Thank you Jehovah for your wise words and your guidance.
May I always listen to your commands,
May I help my children understand and learn to love you,
For you are the one person who will never leave or abandon us.
Your loyal love lasts forever and your hand is never too short to rescue.
Your ears will always hear my cries for help,
You are always ready and willing to comfort me in my trials.
Thank you for your loyal love and acts of Kindness toward me.
Without you, I would be as an unanchored boat being torn apart in a storm.
Thank you for drawing me into your loyal love, love that lasts forever.
May I always be pleasing to you!
Donya. How beautiful your words are. You’re an inspiration to me. You sure you can’t be a writer? Just sayin’.