As I recently posted, we lost our little Ladybug in May. I have started being able to think back on the good times and one thing that helped me was receiving a card from Lap of Love, it came a couple weeks after we lost her, and it actually made me chuckle. When I originally called them to discuss the process for setting up for them to come to the house they ask questions. I shared with her that our vet said that I should think of Ladybug’s 5 favorite activities and if she was into less than 3 of them, we needed to talk about “quality of life”. So I continued to share with her that Ladybug was not doing any of her favorite things anymore up to and including her ALL TIME favorite thing….wait for it….
So, as I was saying, in the card the Lap of Love vet wrote, and I quote, “I’m sure she running fast and free …, barking and humping her favorite toy until her heart’s content.” I had to laugh when I read it. But what I found so extraordinary about it is the fact that she was actually listening as I shared with her about my little girl. She remembered and she mentioned it in her personal note. I was moved. How great it is that there are organizations out there that actually are so caring and compassionate. It was not all about the money, they actually care about the pets and families that they are helping. Amazing, just amazing.