Sitting in my favorite spot this morning and enjoying the crisp air while admiring my orchids, it made me think about how blessed we are that we have eyes made to see color so we can appreciate the beautiful things created for our enjoyment. I thought of the verse in Ecclesiastes 3:11…
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has even put eternity in their heart; yet mankind will never find out the work that the true God has made from start to finish.”
It is so true…flowers become beautiful when they begin to bloom but as time passes they really reach their full beauty; we get to enjoy watching that process and many of us take the time to try and extend the life of the blooms! When I looked up the verse, I also was made to appreciate the truth of the second statement about eternity being in our hearts. Again, such a true statement, if it wasn’t, why do so many people work so hard to take care of their body? Why does it hurt so bad when someone we love dies??? It is because inherently, we KNOW we were not originally made to die.
I’m so thankful for the ransom sacrifice by Jesus so that I have the hope of everlasting life on paradise earth as promised in Psalm 37:11 and Matthew 5:5. Life is beautiful even with all its highs and lows but it will be made perfect in “God’s time”. That’s it, all I got for my thoughts this morning! Have a great day and be safe out there!!!
This is awesome!